Month: October 2015

Top ten wishes I’d ask the book genie to grant me

This week’s Top Ten is pretty fun! If I had ten bookish wishes…

1) I’d wish that reading books burned as many calories as working out does. I’d be so fit.

2) I’d wish that I could read books as quickly or slowly as I wanted. That way I could speed through books I’m not enjoying, or take time when I’m at a good part.

3) I’d wish that all my books were weightless when I had to move.

4) I’d wish that I had accounts at all bookstores, and that account was paid off by some rich relative who just took care of it for me.

5) I’d wish that I could understand and remember everything that I read on the first go around. This is related more to my school reading. Academic articles can be dense and jargon-y and convoluted and take more than one pass to fully understand. And while I’m at it, can someone just dump a bunch of stats info into my head, too, so I understand all that? Everyone could be lying to me and I wouldn’t even know.

6) I’d wish that I could have a big library with a big comfy chair and a nice big window where I could sit and watch it rain or snow. And a fireplace, I want a fireplace. And when I say library I mean an actual room dedicated to nothing but books and reading.

This room has all the things I want. Assume that the parts you can't see are covered in more books.
This room has all the things I want. Assume that the parts you can’t see are covered in more books.

7) I’d wish that my books were perfectly and logically organized. Because I can never figure out the best way to do it or want to take the time to figure it out.

8) I’d wish I could have both digital and physical copies of all my books, so I didn’t have to chose.

9) I’d wish that no matter how many books I buy, I always have room for them.

10) Finally, I’d wish I had more time to read. I just hit my Goodreads goal of 50 books read this year and that’s really good for me, but I know I could do more if only I had the time and energy.

Top ten authors I’d like to see write a book together

In celebration of the small window of free time that I have before my students’ next papers are due and I remember all the other stuff I have to do, I decided to participate in another Top Ten Tuesday.

I’m not sure what I’ll do with this category but we’ll see what happens.


Reading update… barely

So I realized that the beginning of the month came and went and I didn’t take stock of what I had read in September and what I plan to read in October. This is partly because my recent top ten fall TBR does that job just fine, and partly because I think I read two books this month. I think. It’s really quite sad.
