Month: August 2016

Eileen – Ottessa Moshfegh

…like all young women, I hid my shameful perversions under a façade of prudishness. Of course I did. It’s easy to tell the dirtiest minds – look for the cleanest fingernails.

Thus is the life of the titular character of this Man Booker Prize long listed novel – a quiet, painfully thin, small woman, made smaller by her drunk, abusive father, co-workers who make fun of her, and the man she lusts after who barely acknowledges her existence.



Ten books I’d buy right now…

…if someone gave me an unlimited gift card. This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is a good idea for people with self-control. People who don’t act like money grows on trees and find ways to constantly acquire new books every week, despite having put themselves on book-buying bans.

That’s not me.

So, what I decided to do is think of books that I would buy, if they existed or if there wasn’t some other obstacle besides money. Because when it comes to me and books, there are few reasons why I don’t/can’t get my hands on them.


The Glorious Heresies – Lisa McInerney

So this is the first dedicated review of a book that I have written since January. Whoops. Of course all I do here is write about books, but finishing grad school reduced me to blurbs. It might take me a while to get back into the swing of things, reviewing-wise.

This summer I read several books on the shortlist for the Baileys Women’s Prize for Fiction: Ruby by Cynthia Bond, The Portable Veblen by Elizabeth Mckenzie, The Improbability of Love by Rothschild, The Green Road by Anne Enright, and The Glorious Heresies by Lisa McInerney. I also read a few from the longlist, which were My Name Is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout and Girl at War by Sara Novic. I own a few more, which makes me eager to get to them.

However, as there can be only one, The Glorious Heresies by Lisa McInerney won, and I was lucky to get an advanced copy of it to read this week.

glorious heresies
I think this is the U.K. cover, but it’s prettier than the U.S. one, so there’s that.
