Category: NaNoWriMo

Late summer reading update

It’s the last day of July and it’s Friday, so happy Friday everyone! This also means that it’s almost the end of summer (schedule-wise), which excites and terrifies me. Yay sweaters and boots and classes, boo stress! Mostly I’m excited though.

So far this summer (beginning in June) I have read 26 books. I thought that my July TBR was going to hell because I kept buying books that went towards the top of my general TBR list, and I also received some ARCs that I wanted/needed to review first, and also the library having a limit on interlibrary loan really puts me in a spot. But I ended up not doing too badly on it; in July I read 9 of the 12 books from my original July TBR, and I read 9 additional books that weren’t on that list.


Camp NaNo update & other miscellanea

My goal for this Camp NaNoWriMo (20,000 words) was less than the suggested number (50,000 words) because my projects are very different. I’m not writing a novel, but 10 essays in preparation for this coming semester. Yep, 10 essays. Hence why it feels like the semester never ended for me.

I’m not doing so hot on my word count, but technically, in the real world I have until August 7th to get all of this done. I just made it over my half way point today (10,482) but I have been really productive this week so far.

I think I should add my word count from this blog to my Camp NaNo numbers. Yep, that’s totally not cheating.


July TBR and Camp NaNoWriMo

Today is July 1st, which I would normally be pretty ambivalent about, but this summer July means I am almost half way through my “vacation”, which immediately puts thesis-and-comps-induced terror in my heart.

But I’ll survive.

Instead of freaking out about what’s to come, I’m going to look at all of this positively. Camp NaNoWriMo started today, and I am glad to say that I reached my word-count goal before noon today. And then some. Go me! For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month and is held every November, but over the summer it is held in July and becomes Camp NaNoWriMo. The goal is to get writers to push themselves to reach their writing goals, people make groups to cheer each other on, etc. I am writing several smaller academic bits, not a novel, but this will still be a fun way for me to keep track and be held accountable for what I am or am not getting accomplished. Side note: I’m still too much of a loner even on the internet to want to be put in a virtual cabin with other writers, even if it would make it more fun. *shrug*

On a related and more fun note, I would like to share my July TBR list.  (more…)