Top ten characters who are fellow book nerds

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday by Broke and Bookish is on the top ten characters who are book nerds, and so this one was pretty fun. It can also include characters who are writers, which made it a little bit easier.

1) Marianne Dashwood – Sense and Sensibility. Part of Marianne’s dreaminess comes from her love of romantic novels and Shakespeare sonnets. I will never forget how she and Willoughby bonded over their ability to quote Shakespeare by heart, even though he was such a rake and breaks her heart.

2) Roland Michell & Maud Bailey – Possession, by AS Byatt. This is a book about book nerds, basically. In it the two main characters are each scholars of two different writers (romance writers, I think, in the 19th century sense not the modern one), and they are brought together when they find out that the authors they are experts on may have had a thing going on that no one knew about.


3) Anne Shirley – Anne of Green Gables. Duh. If Anne Shirley could get her nose out of a book (or out of the clouds), maybe she wouldn’t get into trouble so often.

4) Claudine – Claudine at School, Claudine in Paris, Claudine Married, etc., by Colette. Claudine is a teenager living in a small town in France who enjoys generally making trouble and reading books that are far too scandalous and mature for her age. I have read the first book so many times, I love it.


5) Cath – Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell. I am pretty sure that everyone either has read this book or has it on their TBR, but basically Cath is a writer of fanfic for a story similar to Harry Potter.

6) Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte. Mr. Rochester let her borrow books from the family library, and that’s probably where she realized he was the one for her.

7) Elizabeth Bennett – Pride and Prejudice. I could probably fill this list with Jane Austen characters, but I won’t. Elizabeth Bennett was a woman who added “something more substantial, in the improvement of her mind by extensive reading”.

8) Most of the characters in Small World, by David Lodge. This book is about a bunch of English professors who go to a conference together, and I didn’t like it much but you can’t get more book nerdy than a bunch of English profs.

9) Jo March – Little Women. I still can’t believe that Amy burned her manuscript.

After having gone through all of my read books I can’t think of any other characters in particular who were book nerds, so I’ll leave this one at 9 this week.

4 thoughts on “Top ten characters who are fellow book nerds

  1. Cool picks! This week’s theme was difficult -I know I resorted to using children’s books and comics.


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